Thursday, November 11, 2010

PNS Saif inducted in Pakistan Navy fleet

PNS Saif, the F-22P Frigate constructed at Hudong Zhonghua, was inducted in Pakistan Navy Fleet on Thursday. An impressive induction ceremony was held at the Pakistan Navy Dockyard here. The Commander of Pakistan Fleet, Vice-Admiral Tanveer Faiz, was the chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, he said that the induction ceremony of PNSA Saif culminates the chinese component of this strategic project of bilateral defence cooperation between Pakistan and china. Admiral Faiz said that the Pakistan Navy Fleet is further strengthened today with the addition of PNS Saif- the third ship of the F-22P class. He pointed out that the defence cooperation between the time tested friends is aimed at improving regional peace, security and stability. Admiral Faiz also made it clear that Pakistan does not want to engage in arms race with any country and that Pakistan Navy's development plans are purely aimed at meeting the legitimate need for the defence of the country. About the F-22P project- the indigenous capability of frigate construction, he said that this is particularly important for Pakistan as we have to meet our phenomenal defence needs within limited economic means. Admiral Faiz also thanked the Chinese friends who have provided necessary expertise as well as transfer of technology to materialize the indigenous component of this project. He said that Pakistan is a peace loving country and believes in promotion of peace and stability for which freedom of navigation on high seas and uninterrupted flow of trade is an essential requirement. Admiral Faiz said that Pakistan Navy is continuously participating in Coalition Maritime Campaign as well as anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. Commodore Iqbal Javed, Commander destroyer Squadron, presented the welcome address. PNS Saif, the third ship of the F-22P series, had been delivered to Pakistan Navy in September this year. A contract was signed in 2005 with China for four ships of F-22P type. As part of the contract, three ships were to be constructed in China and one in Pakistan with the assistance of Chinese shipyard. PNS Saif is the third ship constructed in China. The fourth one is under construction at the Karachi Shipyard and would be completed in a couple of years. For the construction of this ship, a lot of upgradation and modifications were carried out at the Karachi Shipyard. These are very capable ships and because of these there has been a boost to the defence capabilities of Pakistan Navy.

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